Feeling Overwhelmed as a Leader? Things To Do When Your Plate Seems Full

Feeling Overwhelmed as a Leader

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”

– John C. Maxwell

No one ever said that it is easy to be a leader. Even though it might feel like an easy job as the leader has to only supervise and deliver instructions, that’s not actually the case. In fact, being a leader the most common feeling that will occupy all your days will be feeling overwhelmed. You will find your plate full most of the time if not always. Now, the problem is that you as a human being are designed to deal with stress that is short term. But when it comes to handling stress and anxiety on regular basis, it will cause your blood pressure spike or secretion of stress hormone in your body which will eventually bring in many health complications. On the other hand, you cannot ignore your responsibilities, neither can you lash out on your colleagues or juniors.

In the following points, we are going to tell you about a few things that many renowned leaders do all around the world so that they can become more empowered with being too overwhelmed or burdened. Take a look.

Have Clarity of Your Priorities and Aim

When something triggers your stress, it eventually stops you to have complete clarity. Stress makes you anxious. Anxiety affects your focus and concentration. Now, being a leader when you are handling complicated tasks and failing to clearly think and execute your ideas due to lack of focus and impaired concentration, it won’t serve you any good. Now, in such a situation, instead of struggling more and more with your work, take a break in order to get clarity of thoughts. Write down your goals somewhere, maybe a notepad or a bunch of post-its. Now, look at them and calm down and think clearly how you can priorities your work that will help you achieve these goals.

Get Help

You are a leader. This means that there is a team that operates with you too. So, when you are having an overwhelming moment, you don’t need to deal with that stress all alone. You can easily think of getting help from your colleagues and team very easily. It can help you in different ways. On one hand, when others are helping you, you can get new ideas or improvise on yours. The work will be finished faster. And when you are getting help, it will make you grateful. The emotion of gratitude is known for lowering the stress and anxiety for you.

Be Creative

If you look deep down, you will find that there is only one reason in the end that is making you feel overwhelmed, your feeling of monotony. As a human being, you are essentially creative. Now, when you are in a setup that imposes responsibilities on you, you have to follow a specific routine. And that can be actually a killer of all your creativity which eventually makes you feel bored and stressed. So, if you are looking for relief from that monotony, just press the pause button. Reflect on different ideas that can offer you a break from the monotony. Let the creative juices flow. For some time, do something that can stimulate your grey matter and makes you excited, like following your passion or travel. And then again bounce back right on the track.So, now as you know how you can become a leader while balancing your plate completely well, don’t waste any more time. Start implementing these ideas and excel in leadership. Remember, “What you do has far greater impact than what you say,” just as Stephen Covey remarked.


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