6 Mistakes You Better Avoid While Choosing Your Financial Advisor

Posted On : March 11, 2020

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Financial advisors are now more than ever being referred to bay millions of people in order to invest their money in a suitable manner in order to get back a larger sum later on in life. Now, there are various ways in which this money can be invested, for example, stocks, bonds, tax laws, and insurance. They help clients plan for their short-term and long-term goals, such as the education expenses of their children and their own retirement. A Financial advisor’s prime job is to recommend investments to match their clients’ goals.

However, in this article, we shall be talking about the different mistakes that people tend to make while opting for their financial advisor. It is very important to keep these things as falling at the hands of an advisor who is not suitable for your goal may cost you a lot later.

Here are 6 mistakes you need to avoid while choosing your financial advisor:

  1. A fiduciary advisor: A fiduciary advisor is one who acts on the basis of your best interests. He or she should be able to understand your needs and provide you with the right suggestions. If you see that financial advisor is constantly trying to push investment products on you without listening to what you have to say, then it is a clear sign that you need to find someone else on whom you can trust totally.

  2. Hiring the first advisor you meet: Most of the people tend to choose the financial advisor whom they meet first. They do not go for others. This is not advised. Each financial advisor has his or her own set of expertise in different financial sectors; which is why you should always meet a few advisors before making your mind up about who will be the best suited to your needs and requirements. People should never hurry while choosing their financial advisors; this is a work that requires patience.

  3. Choosing an advisor with the wrong specialty: Many times, people choose a financial advisor with the wrong specialty. Some financial advisors are great for business owners, some might be good for your professionals who are about to start a family while others specialize in retirement planning.Make sure that you are able to understand your financial advisor’s weaknesses and strengths and whether they are suited to your needs before signing the agreement.

  4. Not asking about the credentials: In order to be an official financial advisor, a person has to pass a test. It is your job to ask the financial advisor you have opted for about his or her license, credentials or tests. Financial advisors tests include the Series 7, and Series 66 or Series 65. There are some advisors who become a Certified Financial Planner or CFP which is a step further.  The credentials are proof that the person is qualified to give financial suggestions for your good.

  5. Going for brands: This is one of the most common mistakes that people make. Many times people look for the best financial advisors that representbrands like Morgan Stanley or JP Morgan which leads to better stability. However, it is always suggested to go for a financial advisor that is fit for your requirements, not just because of the branding. Being fit is primary, the brand comes later.

  6. Opting for an advisor with an incompatible strategy: Each financial advisor has a unique strategy. Based on what it is, you need to choose them. While one may suggest you aggressive investments, another may tell you about more conservative ones. It is very important to have a professional whose strategy matches your set of goals. Otherwise, it will only be a waste of both time and money.

Additional: It is suggested to find out how the financial advisor is paid; whether it is a flat rate for anything or a percentage of your assets, or commissions by mutual funds. This helps decide whether he or she will work for your interests.

Avoiding these 6 mistakes will help you hire the best financial advisor and have the perfect investments.


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